Food For Thought Thanks Village Realty for their Valentine’s Day Toothbrush Challenge

Thanks to the generosity of everyone at Village Realty, Food for Thought will send new toothbrushes home with week-end meals to over 500 Dare County school children-in-need.  Through their “Valentine’s Challenge,” toothbrushes, dental floss, and toothpaste were also collected for the middle school and high school Personal Products Pantries.  Thank you to the Village Realty organizers Dru Ferrence, Jessica Evans, and Priscilla Deming.

Thanks to generous donors, Food for Thought has helped feed more than 5,900 children healthy meals, building strong minds on the Outer Banks over the last 11 years.

Village Realty Valentine’s Challenge To Benefit Food For Thought

Village Realty Valentine's Challenge for Food for Thought OBX Our 2018 Valentine’s Day challenge is to collect 600 toothbrushes to place in each child’s meal bag once a year. We are grateful to Village Realty for sponsoring this challenge. Collection boxes are in Village Realty offices or you can call us for pick up. Cash donations are accepted and will be used to purchase toothpaste. We need new and individually packaged toothbrushes only please.

Food for Thought Plans Ahead with Outer Banks Community Endowment

Calling all friends of Food for Thought! The all-volunteer non-profit needs your support in preparing to help feed area kids for the future.  Why not consider its endowment fund?

Food for Thought established its endowment fund with the Outer Banks Community Foundation in late 2006 to provide dependable funding for its mission for years to come. Each year, it can receive an annual distribution from its endowment for charitable purposes up to five percent of the fund balance while the principal remains invested in perpetuity.

Each donation will help Food for Thought grow its endowment fund and help ensure the nonprofit will benefit are children for generations.

This program is really making a positive difference. Thanks to generous community members, Food for Thought has helped to feed more than 5,900 children healthy meals, building strong minds on the Outer Banks over the last 11 years.

Currently, Food for Thought is feeding an average of 600 children every week during the school year.

How can you participate? It’s easy. Just choose one of four ways to make a donation to Food for Thought before the deadline. Remember to spread the word with your Facebook friends.

Check out our donate buttons, where you can specially donate to the endowment fund.

Or, you can write a check to Food for Thought, Inc. and mail it to P.O. Box 1167, Kitty Hawk, NC  27949. Please reference the endowment fund on the memo portion of your check.

Meet the Match for Kids

Food For Thought Donations 2017

Calling all friends of Food for Thought! We need your support in preparing to feed area kids. Food for Thought has a unique opportunity to receive a $2500 matching grant from the Outer Banks Community Foundation if $2500 is raised from donors by Nov. 30, 2017.

For example, if 125 contributors donate $20, the goal will be met, growing Food for Thought’s endowment fund, established in early 2000 with OBGF, helping ensure it will benefit children for generations.

This program is making a positive difference. Thanks to generous community members, Food for Thought has helped to feed more than 5,900 children healthy meals, building strong minds on the Outer Banks over the last 11 years.

Currently, Food for Thought is feeding an average of more than 600 children every week during the school year. These combined funds of $5,000 will help feed 20 children much needed healthy meals every weekend for an entire school year.

How does the challenge work? It’s easy. Just choose one of three ways to donate to Food for Thought before the deadline. Remember to spread the word with your Facebook friends.

  • Click the donate button and contribute via PayPal account, debit or credit card
  • Go to our Facebook page (Food for Thought Kitty Hawk), hit the donate button and contribute via PayPal account, debit or credit card
  • Write a check to Food for Thought, Inc. and mail it to P.O. Box 1167, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949

Food for Thought is one of 21 local non-profits selected to participate in this matching fund challenge provided by the Outer Banks Community Foundation.

Fueling Brainpower for Kids

Too many children in Dare County were not getting adequate food – approximately 40% qualify for the free & reduced lunch program at school. Many of these children were going without adequate food on the weekends. Food for Thought was started to try to fill that gap. In 2006, we began with approximately 50 children at Manteo Elementary School and since have expanded to approximately 530 children and youth in preschool, Head Start, and all kindergarten, elementary and middle schools in Dare County. Children are provided nourishing breakfasts, lunches and two snacks every weekend during the school year so they are ready to learn on Monday morning. Parents and school personnel feel strongly that our program makes a difference in the lives of many children in Dare County.